Hawaii Five Days

 夏威夷(Hawaii)是美国的第50个州,也是美国唯一一个全部位于热带的州,拥有全美最大的亚裔人口比例。夏威夷岛屿都是由火山活动所形成,其美丽的 热带风光每年吸引数以百万计的全世界各地游客。夏威夷旅游岛主要有欧胡岛(Oahu)、茂宜岛(Maui)、夏威夷岛又称火山大岛(Big Island)和可爱岛(Kaui Island) 欧胡岛是夏威夷的入关口岸,也是观光客最多的城市。岛上的檀香山(又译为火奴鲁鲁,Honolulu) 是第二次世界大战珍珠港 (Pearl Harbor) 事件的所在地,岛上的酒店、餐厅、购物商店设施非常齐全。欧胡岛的著名旅游景点有:珍珠港、美国唯一的一座皇宫、威基基海滩 (Waikiki Beach)、钻石山(Diamond Head)、大风口(Pali Outlook)、恐龙湾(Hanauma Bay)、波利尼西亚文化中心(Polynesia Culture Center)

06/04,星期五,Seattle -> Honolulu

We drove to Seattle one day before and enjoyed spectacle night view of Downtown Seattle, yummy food, and also half day at the Seattle Center. Our flight left SeaTac at 4:50pm and arrive at HNL around 8pm HST晚上,到檀香山机场,打出租到旅馆(~$30, The Equus Hotel And Marina Tower

06/05,星期六,Polynesia Culture Center, www.polynesia.com

早餐后从旅馆步行到Ala Moana Center, Mahukona St + Atkinson Dr, ~5-10分钟), Bus 55 to the Culture Center (~1.5 hours)

玻里尼西亚文化中心民俗风情游(Polynesian Cultural Center) : 乘车沿着海岸线到欧胡岛北端的玻里尼西亚文化中心(Polynesian Culture Center)。游客可搭乘独木舟游览蕯摩亚,毛利,斐济,夏威夷,东加,大溪地,瑟基瑟七个村落;并观赏具有震撼效果的超大立体屏幕IMAX。享受丰富 的自助晚餐后,至太平洋剧场欣赏由百人所演出的精彩表演。

  1. Making fire and the coconut cracking demonstration in Samoa.
  2. Learning the Maori stick game, tititorea, or how to twirl poi balls in Aotearoa.
  3. Getting a Maori tattoo (it's washable). In fact, a lot of "big kids" proudly wear the PCC tattoos throughout the day, too.
  4. Tossing Tongan spears and playing Fijian bamboo derua instruments.
  5. Trying an ancient form of checkers (konane) and bowling (ulu maika and moa pahe'e) in Hawaii.
  6. Ride on a Fijian biribiri and try to spin a fire knife.

玻里尼西亚文化中心是由美国摩门教教会(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)为了弘扬本教,避免玻里尼西亚文化在西方文明的侵蚀下完全消失,并为本教的"杨百翰大学"(Brigham Young University-Hawaii)的学生提供勤工俭学的机会,于1963年创立于夏威夷州欧胡岛的北端。该中心距夏威夷州首府檀香山市约60英里。

(Samoa)、纽西兰(New Zealand)、菲济(Fiji)、夏威夷(Hawaii)、玛贵斯(Marquesas)、大溪地(Tahiti) 和汤加(Tonga)。每个村落都有代表各自风貌的建筑、物品陈列和风俗介绍,可以让你如临其境而切身感受。里面所有的工作人员都是摩门教夏威夷杨百翰大 学的学生。因为波里尼西亚文化中心比较忠实地保存了波里尼西亚文化的实质,同时给夏威夷杨百翰大学的学生提供了教育和生活费的来源,它成为夏威夷旅游的观光重点

天堂上的彩虹: 毎日下午230 ~300 在玻里尼西亞文化中心兩地登場;一是薩摩亞部落及夏威夷傳教 士之家中間的礁湖,以及斐濟、大溪地及夏威夷村落之間的礁湖同時表演。

HA~生命之歌 (Ha ~ Breath of Life):  超過100位來自各島嶼的舞者,在擁有2,800個豪華座位的太平洋劇院,為您呈現傳統的玻里尼西亞華麗歌舞這是一場視覺的震撼、一場古老亦平凡的傳說。有關一位男孩在遙遠的天堂一生的故事;他在美麗的村落中成長茁壯,在月光下找到他的真愛,用無比的勇氣捍衛週遭的所有。來此盡情的享受“HA~生命之歌~歐胡島最新的夜晚秀

After the show, took Bus 55 back to hotel (departure at 9:20pm and arrive at the Ala Moana Center around 10:38pm)

06/06,星期天,美国最美丽的海湾--恐龙湾 (Hanauma Bay)

Hanauma Bay: 6am-6pm, $7.5/adult, (Bus #22), 8:06, 8:36, 9:06 (half hour freq.) @ Kuhio / Namahana stop, and return bus from 12:35p, 12:56p, 1:30p, 2p, 2:35p, 2:50p … 6p

活动项目:Snorkeling, fish watching, swimming


下午:著名的Waikiki beach, International Market place

晚上可欣赏免费的夏威夷Hula表演及点灯活动at Kuhio Beach Park in Waikiki. The show includes authentic Hawaiian music and hula performances as well as a torch lighting ceremony. You’ll find the show at the Kuhio Beach Hula Mound on Waikiki Beach near the intersection of Uluniu and Kalakaua Avenues in Waikiki. Look for the mound near Duke Kahanomoku’s statue and the large Banyan trees. This show is presented every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday nights around sunset (~6:30pm)

06/07,星期一, 珍珠港及市区历史人文游(Pearl Harbor & City Tour)

上午前往第二次世界大战珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)事件的所在地。观赏遭日军轰炸的记录片。随后并乘船至亚利桑那纪念馆 (Arizona Memorial)。接着前往市区参观夏威夷政府,州长官邸,伊奥拉尼皇宫 (Iolani Palace)和国王铜像 (King Kamehamehal’s Statue)

  1. Oahu’s Pearl Harbor offers a full day of interesting history lessons with tours of the USS Arizona Memorial, the USS Missouri (Mighty Mo, $20),the Pacific Aviation Museum, and the USS Bowfin Submarine ($10)
  2. Iolani Palace –Walking tour from Chinatown; Close on Sunday; Audio tour, $13; Gallery tour, $6; 9am-5pm.  Back to Hotel: S. King St + Bethel St. ->Bus #42 -> Ala Moana Bl + Hobron Ln (ID 884), 16 min.
  3. Chinatown for lunch/dinner

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